Update 12/2008 - The post below is now outdated.
The new Premium Member information is here: http://www.digitalFAQ.com/forum/show...emium-321.html
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About this support forum: The growth and traffic generated by digitalFAQ.com has been overwhelming and far beyond anything previously imagined. The site's e-mail link was originally put up with the intention of freely helping anyone with a problem, but that is now impossible.
Why join? The forum is a paid support area with a one-time fee to cover the costs of maintaining it. Unlike free forums online, your questions will often be answered in detail with images, by selected individual that are experienced in video. This forum also maintains a professional atmosphere, and will not put up with the monkey shines that infest other free/public forums. The costs involved pay for the forum and time it takes to answer the questions.
Package info: While there used to be several levels of support, we've done away with that. You now pay $15 and that's all. The accounts do not expire and you can ask whatever you need.
What's in the forum? Pretty much what you see is what you get. The 'How To Join' area is the only one non-members can enter. Everybody can view the forum list, but a username and password is required to enter other sub-forums.
Payment information. Joining the forum is a simple two-step process. You will first fill out a form that gives me your account information for the forum. The second step is to make the payment.
STEP 1: REGISTER. Click here and a pop-up window will appear requesting your forum information. An e-mail will be sent to me, and I will await matching payment information before creating the account.
STEP 2: SEND PAYMENT. We can accept payment for the support forum by cash/money order or Paypal. The Paypal.com payments are preferred and will get fastest access. If you opted to mail in a payment during registration, an invoice will be e-mailed to you soon.
Click here and a pop-up window will appear with Paypal payment information. Please allow several days for the accounts to take effect.
In most cases, expect the account to be active within 48 hours.