Originally Posted by timtape
This machine is probably not the type for a beginner to work on if that describes yourself. The mechanism is tiny, fragile, complex and not necessarily easy to diagnose faults on even for skilled techs. There will still be techs who can probably repair it but very few are still in business these days. There's no longer the demand. A good camera tech experienced in camcorders might be worth a try.
Pretty much describes me, I have worked on larger VHS players but never on these small things. It works fine it is just itching me seeing that it isn't working perfectly
I don't want to spend money on repairs plus i don't think that anyone in my area is capable on doing it either (and i don't trust shipping companies to send fragile stuff)
Originally Posted by lordsmurf
Why did buy this?
I have a feeling that a standard DV camera will serve you far better.
Yeah a DV camera would have been more suitable, I already have one. But I bought the unit mostly for a personal collection.