So I recently picked up a cheap TBC-1000 off eBay that allowed returns. I tested it out and it seemed like everything was fine with it. Powered on, and I got a good video signal from all the composite outputs. Didn't test the S Video outputs at the time. Opened it up to see if any of the capacitors were bulging and was surprised to only find one showing signs of going bad (16v 470uF under the power button in the back).
Just finished up changing out that capacitor and all the other larger caps in the unit (16V 1000uF and 25V 1000uF). I did some testing with the TBC to make sure all the outputs worked. All the composite outputs are fine, and outputs C and D for s-video looked good too. A and B, however, show video signal, but it looks like they're in black and white. Any idea what could cause this kind of problem? I've attached some screenshots to show what I'm seeing.