Originally Posted by dantheman73
I am thinking of having it repaired by someone who already did some work on the unit (outputs) but would really like to avoid the hefty shipping costs.
Originally Posted by dantheman73
The unit's in great shape otherwise and I'd like to have it fully functional for transferring and reselling.
I am probably just reiterating what you're already thinking, but wanted to say it just in case, and for others who may ask the same thing but may not realize the high standard required in this situation to avoid causing any damage.
I know there are several members who have posted about repairing these, but the one I remember off-hand is DiopterDoctor as I've seen multiple posts/threads by him showing and detailing his work, and members confirming successful repairs. Dealing with someone like him is the only route to go in my mind.

Maybe by chance he, or someone equivalent, will happen to be located close to you.
Personally, unless you get lucky with someone being near you, the only thing I'd do with an old & valuable unit like that is shipping it, insured & extremely well-packed, to a known professional with proven TBC-1000 diagnostic & repair results. $200, $300, $400 USD, the cost just is what it is. Best done sooner rather than later, as the prices of both the shipping and the labor charge for repair are only going to continue rising as they all continue to be hit with the costs of rising inflation.