- 8682 shows a 1980 that is properly accepting the play, and automatically playing it. (Note: The safety tab is removed, hence auto-play.)
- 8683 shows a 1980 ejecting it within seconds of load.
This was what I was talking about earlier with the betamax machine which I ripped the loading mechanism out of the unit.
The tape is not coming in at the correct alignment, try loading the tape again, this time while it is loading press down on the tape hold it in place, add pressure it should than take the reel.
The top loading bar just needs a jolt to pressure down, it is like a mm of force down. Don't hammer it just use your hand to bend it down a bit. Do this after you get the reel to play.
The tapes are (apparently) already at the bottom of the deck, as you cannot push them down whatsoever. I'm just not sure what you're talking about. I don't see any difference between the units, but I also do not understand how it works.
Remember, I use them, I don't fix them, I'm not an engineer that designed these.
Lord Smurf you were my trainer, knew nothing when I started doing video work, didn't even know they had high end VCR's or even what an AG 1980 was.
Explain everything over at video help. The methods work for everything, just repaired the car hood on my Mercedes that wouldn't shut, Pet Boys wanted like $500. I fixed it for free. Next the windshield wipers will not work something went bad in a snow storm. I know nothing about Mercedes Benz windshield wipers but will figure it out. That one is like a $1500 job that I will do for just parts, it will cost me like $100 and will have to figure it out. Going to upload some pictures of the betamax to kind of show how this works.
-- merged --
This short video is of the betamax machine.
Will show how the tape has to match the alignment of the VCR.
(never learned this, just figured it out.)
This VCR has no loading mechanism, ripped it out.
Have to unhinge the tape latch to place the tape in to the machine.
Since we have no loading mechanism the tape will never be in alignment. The VCR will never work.
We have to add weight to the tape to get it in alignment. Just take a DVD spindle and wedge it in to the tape, and it works perfect.
Remove the weight the machine shuts off.
On the AG unit, you just have to add a bit of pressure and hold it down til it latches the reels. Than you just bend it in to place.
Your AG unit, is not fully loading cause the alignment is off, that is what I see from the video at least.
The loading mechanism has to be in alignment with the VCR.
Here is a JVC VCR with a broken loading, not only did the machine turn off the tape was also stuck.
Video A
Had to do a few other things with the gears, couldn't film it cause needed both hands. However using both hands applied pressure to the top bar on the VCR. Held it down with enough pressure to get the VCR in alignment with the tape. Like a good chiropractor it puts the VCR back in to alignment. This video is the tape loading playing, hitting eject and loading and playing again.
I can fix JVCs, just not Panasonics. These are more complicated.
I've read that some belts may be slipped, dirty, or need lube. Or that photo sensors are dirty or failed -- but I can only find one of them (and it woks fine). What's really amusing is the fact that I used to know more about these, and I found some good advice in my own posts from 5-10 years ago (both here and at VH).
This may be a PEBVAC error (remove "keyboard", insert "VCR").
I'm tempted to take it outside and beat it with a hammer and bat, like the printer in Office Space.
I am out of my league about modern high end vcr that being said. Turn the machine upside down (gently) and see if any debris falls out. YOu could shake gently. Just to helpo rule out some unlikely bit of debris. If for any reason the take up reel fails to take up tape it would shut off. So yes look for reason the take up reel us not taking up (if its not) like belt or gear or motor, sensor
My idea is to eliminate or try to eliminate any easy to find cause of malfunction first by a check for any foreign object.
It is one of the first things I look for It wouldn't matter if vhs or betamax. The next thing I might try would be to unplug the machine and trick it by holding lever or whatever I have to do to make it think it has a tape then run the loading motor pulley or worm gear or whatever drives the loading mechanism by hand to both load the cassette down and then wrap the tape around the heads.
Sometimes by moving the machine through its cycle of loading this way it will become obvious what is not working right. It is also slow motion with a minimum of force so little chance of causing more damage.
This is me and unsophisticated but logical. lordsmurf may well have already done this stuff in the first few minutes of his troubleshooting of his tape transport problem or loading problem.
Wrote up the entire essay on this at video help. Your ideas are good.
Don't have any AG 1980's with loading issues, can't use them as examples.
Back to the JVC deck, was able to get it to play the tape, but didn't fix the problem.
The issue on this deck was and is in this picture.
Again JVC makes cheap plastic parts, the loading on these machines can have problems over time. You break a gear, kind of hard to get a replacement part. A royal pain, pulling the entire thing apart and putting it back together. If you are not paying attention you will forget how you pulled it apart, and will not know how to put it back together.
On this deck the large white part, has kind of lost it's strength, were the plastic itself is a bit weak. Messing around with this noticed it was kind of out of alignment, meaning all these gears on the right. Tried to bend it back in to alignment. It would cause a new kind of loading issue. Took some WD 40, just gave the gears a splash, nothing major. Than re aligned the medal silver post a tad and compressed the gears in to it. Than tested the machine 10 times. It worked fine. At any time it may not load a tape or play a tape. Cause I own the machine can always get it to work, but this kind of machine in the hands of someone else. As soon as it failed to load, they would say it is broken. More than likely trash the unit. It is just one bad plastic gear that wrecks the unit.