bigeasy_uk since your new to this Forum you may not have received, or noticed the notification in your email.. if you provided one.
I should probably do a YuTube video about the hardware because its a little tricky to setup.
The most important thing is the S-Video cable has an offset and in addition to the tricky four pins with a bottom plastic plug that have to be aligned, this offset has to be cleared to actually get a good connection.
Once you've done it once you know what I mean, but its a solid "Thunk" feel.
The software is designed for the PowerPC but works fine under Rosetta on an Intel Mac.. the modern "re-use" of the Rosseta name for the Intel to ARM transition on M1 is not the same.
Only us Old (but not Ancient) School Mac users tend to know what I'm talking about.
Rosetta was also an (optional) install.. not a default when setting up an Intel Mac.. so there is a corpus of knowledge you need to know from 2010 that likely took place before some current Mac users were even born.
If you understood all that your probably good.. if not. Well wait for the video.
The links will go away perhaps within 30 days as I don't tend to keep a large account open for hosting software for that long. Get'em while you can.
Its kind of weird.. but I didn't think (backwards) that this is a unique case where ATI Wonder had a USB 2.0 capture system for Power PC as well as Intel .. I haven't tested with an M1 so I don't know if thats even a possibility with Rosetta 2.0
But I don't know of any other PPC video capture system.. so its an oddball for sure.
AMD being the buyer of ATI and getting this PPC software dumped on them.. probably confused the heck out of the X86 based company. No Wonder (pun) they didn't know what to do with it.
OH yeah:: Keep in mind this is more a mental exercise, than a practical capture setup.. I Have no idea what scenarios may play out in the year 2525 .. so it may have some historical value.. but the vast majority of readers today will find this as boring as corn flakes. When I went on my (Quest) to find this elusive capture system and software I was like a dog with a bone.. I just would not give up.. but having is often less satisfying, than the journey. And bringing some closure to the curiosity is satisfying.