11-20-2022, 06:25 PM
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Hello all, I've come back after quite a long time of getting my personal life together. i'm finally ready to get started on a project I conceived a long while ago, archiving approximately 100 VHS tapes (mostly commercially available movies/TV shows) of different lenghths and levels of use. Last year I ordered a complete workflow from LordSmurf consisting of a JVC SR-MV40 Super VHS VCR, a WinTV HR 950 card and a Big Voodoo TBC10. Though I am very familiar with the basic funcitons of a VCR, I never used one for this type of project. I am also inexperienced with the functions of a Time Base Corrector or the VirtualDub 1.9.11 software and filter bundle. I did finally heed the discretion of all these components and purpose built myself a legacy Windows XP machine for this purpose as well as constructed a server with over 50TB at my disposal.
Now that I've got all the stuff I need, I just need to know how to use the tools I've got, specifically the TBC and the VirtaulDub software.
I can't wait finally get started on this project and actually acquire the knowledge to go further.
Thanks a bunch!
Someday, 12:01 PM
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11-20-2022, 07:06 PM
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Step one is wiring and connecting everything.
- s-video
- UPS for power (not worthless "surge" strips, not direct wall power)
That exact card has at least 4 versions -- again, Hauppauge recycles model numbers -- and that exact card is an ATI clone. It uses the Hauppauge drivers. The Win7 drivers are online, XP needs the disc/ISO. Since XP, do you have that disc? If not, I'll need to upload the ISO somewhere.
There's not much to TBCs. That exact version, or that exact model, has some nifty options, once you get familiar with it. One of the better TBCs. Proc amp, comb filters, etc. Read the manual sometime. Attached. For now, it's preset for dummy mode, plug and play, nothing needs to (or should) be changed on it.
FYI, the innards of that deck are probably the MV45, and an MV40 was simply scavenged for parts, including the front plate. It's been about a year now, so I don't recall exactly. But working 40s are not found too often, the demographics of users. I acquired a huge lot of 45s in early 21, and it took lots of negotiation as some were damaged in unknown shape (of course, those would have been "working" and "tested" on eBay, HA!). I then acquired unknown 40s for parts, as those decks can be identical. There's multiple 40 and 45 versions, you have to be really careful. It took me about a year to refurb all of them. I do know you got one of my best units, because of the 100+ tape project you planned to tackle.
I'm glad to hear your personal issues are getting sorted. I've actually thought about you a few times. Those tough times can get better.
11-20-2022, 08:35 PM
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Hey there LordSmurf. good to hear from you.
First off, I used the one wintv8setup executable that was posted somehwere around here and it seems to have worked just fine with XP, the card seems to be fine, but if not I also built this system with XP AND 7 in mind so I also have 7 on another drive in case XP turns out not to work after all, I may or may not be confusing this executable for the real drivers, please let me know.
Thanks for the attached manual, I'll be sure to look it over in more detail tomorrow, I woke up with a case of pink eye this morning on top of a cold I've had, so I've just been taking it easy most of today. I did play around with the TBC for a little bit, last thing I noted was when I plugged the S-Video out from the TBC into the card, I seemed to get a black and white image in VirtualDub in XP, but maybe that's explained in the documentation.
Also thanks for the information on the VCR itself, I was curious as to why the space for the i-link DV port was empty and now I know why. I don't know anything about assembling/parting out VCRs, so I appreciate you going through the effort to make yours the best available. I really should invest in a UPS since I've got 3 computers and a server, any recommendations?
Lastly, thanks for thinking of me. My life's gotten a lot more bearable now that I've figured a bunch of stuff out. I've still got a ways to go, but everything's pretty good now, and it'll all be good if I just keep at it. I in turn hope that you've been alright this past year or so.
Thanks again.
11-20-2022, 09:35 PM
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If that download installed for your XP system, try it.
I would hold off on reading the manual until you have some usage experience, with the current defaults. Otherwise you'll just be confused, more questions than answers. If you think a tape may benefit from proc amp, just side it aside for now, work on another tape.
B&W may be the cable not seated fully, or properly. Be careful not to use "death grip" cables, nor loose cables, s-video should plug/unplug firmly.
Several functions on multiple JVC decks are worthless, and should be ignored. The "DV" input is such a function. In fact, DV on JVC decks is entirely bad, tape or port. Never use DV with JVC. Ignore it, not the reason to own the deck.
Cyberpower 1500
https://amzn.to/3AvSN30 - sinewave/PFC for 2015+ desktop computers
https://amzn.to/3VhJ6Nv - non-sinewave/non-PFC for non-computers (aka video gear), older desktops pre-2015
In your case, one of each is probably in order.
Note that 2015 is approx age, pay attention to the power supply, PFC vs. non-PFC
Good to hear about life, keep going, maybe I'll read/hear great things one day.
Health is my burden, and we had some family losses this year. But we all have to keep going, and I push myself forward. The alternative is walking into a busy interstate, and that's just messy.
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