continued from PM...
Originally Posted by ha13may
Hope you are well.
I'm not sure if our original conversation back in 2006 will be displayed in this pm. I am messaging by repying to the pm. I bought a JVC DVD recorder back in 2006 after you recommended it. I'm now looking for a recorder for my elder brother. I was totally shocked to read your section on DVD recorders. I thought after 3 years there would be some mind blowing chipset/machine out there that would even tempt me to throw my JVC DR-M100S out the window. Reading the 2007-08 and 2009 sections is depressing and sad.
To my question now. I get the feeling on forums that JVC DVD recorder are hard to find in the US and there is still some demand on these forums. They were extremely hard to find here in the UK back in 2006 when I was looking for one let alone now. However, I might have stumbled upon a few brand new boxed units. Would there be people interested in buying boxed brand new units? They won't be region 1 but come with JVC warranty. How much could I sell them for in USD? auction or fixed price?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
It's been a few years since 2006! Sadly, those were the final years of good DVD recorders being manufactured and sold brand new in store. And even at that point in time, it was hard to find a good DVD recorder on shelves.
The JVC series is still highly regarded by many hobbyists as the best DVD recorder for converting VHS to DVD, as it removes grain, glitches and other noises, making the new DVD look better than tape. To that end, these machines are still sought -- especially the non-combo DR-M10 / DR-M100 decks! (Or the JVC DR-MH30 and DR-MH300 hard drive DVD recorder decks!)
Indeed, the 2007-2009 reviews of machines is sad -- almost beyond sad. The technology is there, they can build it --- but a tanked economy, Chinese cheapo manufacturing and lazy/uneducated consumers spelled doom for this kind of awesome equipment. I cringe when I hear somebody say "Youtube is good quality" or "my iPod looks great" -- yikes! There's jus no accounting for taste!
Brand new boxed units will certainly fetch a good price! If they are virgin machines, never used, I'd price them at about $200-250 -- easy!
I can go down to Best Buy and buy a near-useless piece of crap DVD recorder, and that will cost me anywhere from $100 to $250. If the economy wasn't so bad (and therefore more money for hobbies), I'd say closer to $300-400. Seriously, those Philips 3575 decks were $300-350 brand new in Walmart, but got very popular near end of life --- fools were paying $800+ on
Amazon for them, even used ones went for $300+. Now those were good HDD machines (zero filtering), but 200%+ markup? Insanity, I tell you! (Come to think of it -- maybe the economy isn't so bad, if people want to spend 200%+ on items?!)
Using eBay is not suggested -- you won't really hit your best buyers that way. If you want to list them here on in the Marketplace forum, you may get true buyers -- I've had some success selling off my extra DVD, TBC and S-VHS equipment here in the past 6 months. I can start mentioning the availability of such machines among the groups I "hang out" with online and in person. Maybe you cut me $20-25 commission on sales per unit?
Your units will be PAL, of course. Are the power supplies rated 110-240hz like the JVC S-VHS VCRs are? If so, then there may be a good number of interested USA and Canada buyers. Heck, I might even be interested in one! (Cut me a good deal, I'll help you sell the rest at a good price.)