This is probably going to be one of those complex issues with many possibilities, and we'll just have to narrow down the list of choices one by one.
I guess the first thing to ask is what was used to edit or author the MPEG file. In other words, what software touched the file between ATI MMC and the final burned disc?
Also, while likely not related, yet still possible, let me know what type of blank media was used (DVD-R, DVD+R, etc), what brand (Fuji, Sony, etc), and what media ID (MXLRG02, YUDEN00T02). You can read the BLANK MEDIA guide on this site if you're unsure how to answer any of these questions. That page can be found here:
And we'll go from here.
At the moment, I have a suspicion that either the editing, authoring, or burning software (or an "all-in-one" piece of software) corrupted your video after capture.