Originally Posted by ad211184
Is anyone aware of a combo unit that will copy VHS protected tapes to DVD and DVR (cable box) to DVD ? I OWN many old tapes that I want to preserve onto DVD - and most combo recorders can't get past the VHS tape (Macrovision?) copy protection. I'm not doing anything illegal - I purchased ALL of these VHS tapes want to make a copy for myself.
You need a TBC:
There's no way around it.
You cannot use a combo unit. Regardless of what marketing materials (i.e., user manuals and brochures), combo units were NOT created with the intention of using both halves of the unit at the same time. The tape half was made for recording/playing tapes, while the DVD half was made for playing DVDs. Or recording DVDs from TV signals. VHS>DVD inside a combo unit is really not possible. Even when it is allowed by the unit, the quality is generally quite terrible, as the VCR is almost always some consumer-grade junker. (The only real exception is the $1,000+ MSRP JVC Professional Series decks.)
Originally Posted by gkktyyu44
They have a device - GREX, I heard that with its help it is possible to block protection DVD
I would NOT recommend a Grex device. Read this post for more details on why:
It's very hit-or-miss on effectiveness, and not overly reliable. It's not a TBC.