10-07-2013, 07:41 AM
EmilyK EmilyK is offline
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Hi, I've started to work on converting many (200-300+) VHS-C tapes to digital for my family. I'm pretty new to all of this and really appreciate your patience! I wanted to ask your opinion on what's contributing to the loss of image clarity I'm seeing. The tapes are in very good shape; I don't see many issues when watching them from my VCR. After converting about 10 tapes I'm just not satisfied with the captured digital picture quality. The images are a little bit fuzzy/grainy, especially those in the background. For example, if someone is walking into a room in the background, you can't make out the expression on their face (whereas you can when watching it on a VCR). This doesn't seem to be as much of a problem for images that were shot very close up. In general, the picture is not as sharp/clear as it is when I view the tapes from my VHS player.

My current equipment is:

Panasonic PV-7452- Hi-Fi, 4 head
Canopus ADVC-110 (bought this before I found my way to your site!), connected via RCA cables
MacBook Pro, 2.3GHz, 10.8.5 OS X
iDVD for authoring

After going through your site, I recognize that nearly every piece of hardware/software I have is not recommended. Do I need to start from scratch? Do I need to go out and buy a PC? The only problem I have with the digital video is the graininess/fuzziness- it's not that there are jitters or color issues going on. I realize I'm pretty late in the game to be converting VHS to digital, and much of the hardware your site recommends seems to be difficult to find online. The only PC I have is dead and would require a professional to revive it. Any advice you can provide is greatly appreciated!
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10-07-2013, 08:10 AM
volksjager volksjager is offline
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every single piece to have is bad.
especially the VCR and Canopus device
sell it off and start over.
Windows PCs are dirt cheap - especially since you dont need a whiz-bang one
find a older dual-core running XP - you can find them under $50 at yard sales / thrift stores or on the Craplist
the ATI capture cards are also dirt cheap on ebay
only thing you will have to spend a bit on is a good VCR and a TBC
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10-07-2013, 04:03 PM
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We have two systems that we're hoping to put on here this month or next. The complete computer, with capture card. Right now, I could easily put XP on it, and call it good. But what I'm trying to do is put Windows 7 in an ATI AIW system. Thus far, I have one that works! But having trouble recreating it. I can recreate the Vista install with no major issue.

Just wanted to mention that. No need to be on your own to find and build the right system. Just plug it in and capture!

I'll get back to you tonight or tomorrow on the other stuff.

@others that know my condition this year:
I was working on this in Oct-Nov 2012. It's taken a year, but I can finally do something again.

- Did my advice help you? Then become a Premium Member and support this site.
- For sale in the marketplace: TBCs, workflows, capture cards, VCRs
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