I have captured VHS with this workflow :
AG-1960 (vcr) => Pana ES-15 (line TBC) => AV-8710 Green (TBC) => ATI AIW 9600 Pro AGP (Win XP sp2)
Capture software:
Virtualdub (YUY2,
Captured VHS should give lossless AVI. Then i used the
Script for VHS-#2: of post #5 from this tread
The restored avi file is encoded with Avidemux (2.6.1) with gives a mpg file.
The mpg file is burned to a DVD and, on my TV, i can see steps on the boys shirt and the box on the couch.
Looking with VLC, the captured file does not show the ‘steps’. The encoded files of the captured file ans the restored file show ‘steps’.
Encoding parameters : MPG(ff), VBR 2 pass, Average bitrate = 6000, Max = 9600.
I also tried MP4 : H264, CBR bitrate = 15000. With same result. On this encoding, i need advice to set it properly.
Are these ‘steps’ what is called alasing?
Is there a way to avoid this or can the encoded file be improved?
Here are screenshot of same frame with different encoding.
Captured file:
Captured file.jpg
Restored file (encoded AVIDEMUX VBR 2 pass average bitrate 6000)
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Captured file (encoded AVIDEMUX VBR 2 pass bitrate 6000)
Restored-Encoded-Avidemux-MPG2 VBR 6000.jpg
Captured file (tentative to encoded to MP4 CBR bitrate 15000)
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