currently have a dual core PC.
using DVD Rebuilder & Procoder 3 together, it takes about 2 hours to re-do a +9 dvd to a +5 dvd.
in fact, some of my current projects are mere cartoons that are only just a tad over +5 dvd capacity. say around 4.75 GB.
i say "mere" cartoons, because i'm thinking that a cartoon will have less detail and motion and maybe should be easier & quicker to transcode. but then i don't really know how these things work.
so i wanted to know whether a quad core will transcode quicker than a dual core and by how much.
if we are talking about shaving perhaps 10 minutes or 20 minutes, then i will stick with my dual core.
however, if it would shave off say an hour or so, then i may upgrade my hardware.
anyone else on this forum have any ideas?