I am in the process of learning how to use AviSynth+ to process my capture files. Source video is Video8 captured using ATI AIW 9600 uncompressed lossless AVI YUY2 at 720x480. Some of the plugins I have been experimenting with no longer directly support the YUY2 colorspace and require conversion to YV16. I have been attempting to learn more about colorspaces. According to the AviSynth wiki site "YV16 is the planar equivalent of YUY2". Based on this description it would seem that this is a very minor conversion. However, one thing that my reading has taught me, be very careful about each and every conversion as they often have unintended consequences. My question is thus a simple one, how consequential is converting from YUY2 to YV16 with regards to affecting the quality of my video? Once I'm in YV16 should I convert back to YUY2? The AviSynth files that I am working with are being prepared for streaming. I anticipate eventually converting to h.264 or h.265. I intend on keeping my original lossless AVI files which are YUY2 untouched.