If you can get that HR-S4600U for free or cheap, and you are sure it works, then just get it.
The front panel looks identical to my HR-S3600U, except mine doesn't have an extra S-Video input. I use mine for playing/digitizing VHS tapes, and I am happy with it, though it is not a high-end model. I'd say for VHS playback, it's about 10% better than my consumer-model Sony deck. The S-Video output is barely any better than the composite, but there is a slight improvement in detail.
http://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/vide...html#post52570 to understand what the main settings are in your JVC deck. My relevant settings:
- Video Calibration = OFF (dynamic tracking, rarely helps, can cause frame jitter)
- Picture Control = EDIT (disables sharpness filter, maybe more) (AUTO or SOFT might be better for some tapes)
- Video Stabilization = OFF (unless confirmed to reduce frame jitter on a specific SLP/EP tape)
You will still probably want something to fix horizontal stabilization problems. A popular TBC substitute is a Panasonic DMR-ES10, which is a DVD recorder, but you just use it as a filter. I am happy with mine, which I found for cheap on eBay. My relevant settings:
- Black Level Control (in Settings): input = Light, output = Dark (the defaults are swapped and result in much lighter output than input)
- Line-in NR (Display > Video menu) has very little effect but I prefer to leave Off for best detail & to avoid frame jitter (I might change my mind on this next time I run across a visually noisy tape though)