I been browsing this forum for a while but have been overwhelmed when trying to figure out the right equipment for this project. I am looking to transfer 10 Hi8 tapes, 25 DV tapes, and 40 VHS tapes. I have the original cameras the Hi8 and DV tapes were shot on, the Sony Handcam Video8 CCD-TR84 NTSC and the Sony DCR-TRV19, respectively. I also have the JVC DR-MV150 VCR, which my aunt allowed me to borrow for this project, although I remember reading that it wasn’t a great VCR to use.
I transferred all the DV tapes via Mac Terminal earlier this year, which has been my most successful method for transferring DV, but the picture can still be a bit jumpy and have cuts that aren’t present when watching the tape on the camera. They have been saved as DV movies and range in size from 11-14GB for 60 minutes of run time. Some were filmed in SP, but most were filmed in LP. In order to connect the DV camera to my Mac, I use a FireWire 400 9-Pin to 4-Pin Cable > Firewire to Thunderbolt 2 > Thunderbolt 2 to Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C).
I’ve also read that transferring on a PC is better than Mac. I have my old Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop running Windows 7, but it is a slower laptop with minimal space. I would like to build a proper workflow, as I do plan to transfer more tapes in the future. Please tell me what equipment is necessary to transfer all three types of tapes. I would rather spend more money upfront on the right equipment in order to encounter less speed bumps along the way. Any help would be greatly appreciated!