I don't mind helping people, but "help me start a business" questions tend to make me cringe.
I firmly believe in this: There are some topics in this world where, if you have to ask, you're not ready/qualified/etc.
This reminds me of one of those times. And of course, everybody gets offended by this, unable/unwilling to hear it, and chooses not to ignore the wisdom of the message. But long-term, what happens is a person goes through with this idea, wholly unprepared, and fails miserably. Worse, they destroy not only their own time/finances, but drag down customers and business partners with them. In the hosting world, where there are few barriers to entry, you see this all the time. Most are from teenagers and students -- aka "kiddie hosts" -- and they leave a path of destruction.
To answer the question...
See the list of hosts here:
For quality Linux reseller hosting, I'd opt for one of these: