10-17-2012, 01:21 AM
himanshu88 himanshu88 is offline
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Do you recommend StableHost despite the limitations most us have heard regarding them.
1. Wordpress Plugins
2. PHP coding
3. Investment sites etc..

I would really like to know, if they are too rude to suspend my site in future without notice.
I also have heard a bad story about DDOS attack on CrocWeb users site and ultimately being kicked off their server.
What if i as a user end up in such a state, because these things are out of my control.

What would you suggest and recommend based on your experience?

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10-17-2012, 08:22 PM
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Originally Posted by himanshu88 View Post
Do you recommend StableHost despite the limitations most us have heard regarding them.
1. Wordpress Plugins, 2. PHP coding, 3. Investment sites etc..
I wouldn't really call those "limitations" in the traditional sense, which implies that the company is limiting what a legitimate user can do. I would consider those "limitations" along the same lines as not allowing spam, not allowing piracy, etc. Those are therefore not really "limitations" as much as they're policies in place to protect the greater good of all clients on their servers.

WordPress plugins - Stablehost is one of the few hosts that proactively scans their servers for known exploited code. Most hosts do not do this, often to the detriment of themselves and their customers. When Stablehost finds exploited code, or even outdated code, the customer is notified by the automated system. This covers not just WP plugins, but any PHP in the themes or base code.

Related side topic: My beef with this system is purely from the stance of an advanced user, namely that "security" is not synonymous with "updated". That's best exampled by the current situation with WordPress 3.4.2, which is the current version, yet has been exploitable since at least late August -- and its now mid October with no patch/fix in sight. Advanced users are known to heavily modify WordPress at the core level, though enough code is retained to trip up detection systems that can still identify it from the server side. In this situation, unfortunately you may need to re-consider not just Stablehost, but shared hosting entirely. Such projects are best isolated on a VPS.

PHP coding - I really don't know what you mean here. Stablehost is currently running PHP 5.3.x on some servers, and PHP 5.2.17 custom patched on others. There's nothing out of the ordinary here. Their servers run PHP quite well, actually.

Investment sites - This type of content is generally illegal, and both instigator and target of spamming, denial of service attacks (DoS, DDoS), and other undesirable traffic both in and out. Not allowing bottom feeders to infest servers (and thus taint the IP space in reputation systems) is a good thing for customers, not a bad one. This is something I'd consider to be a customer feature/benefit.

I would really like to know, if they are too rude to suspend my site in future without notice.
Most hosts will immediately suspend serious issues without prior warning. This includes exploited sites, detected phishing or spam activity, or even something account-related like not paying your bill on time or ignoring customer contact alerts. One of the things Stablehost does not do (that I'm aware of) is immediately suspend a site from DMCA notices, unless it's obvious that the notice is accurate. They don't just pull a site down, unlike some hosts that act on bogus notices from competitors and troublemakers.

I also have heard a bad story about DDOS attack on CrocWeb users site and ultimately being kicked off their server. What if i as a user end up in such a state, because these things are out of my control.
Well, DDoS is often a huge influx of traffic that can overpower an entire network -- unless the network is prepared for it. Crocweb may be a host that simply does not have the ability to cater to high-risk sites. If you consider your site to be a target of DDoS, then perhaps you're engaging in an activity that should not be done. Alternatively, consider high-cost DDoS protected hosting, which places you on a server that sits behind several high-dollar network appliances on a large connection that can mitigate traffic noise.

Crocweb would not be to blame here in any way, and would be justified in turning away a customer that simply cannot be serviced by their available hosting plans.

What would you suggest and recommend based on your experience?
Both of these hosts are fine. But without knowing more about your sites, your traffic, your location, and your budget, there's not much else I can say at this point. If you'd like to reply with some of that information, then I could possibly give some more detailed advice on who may be best for your project/sites.


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10-20-2012, 04:28 PM
himanshu88 himanshu88 is offline
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Thank you for the warm welcome and explaining it to me in such a depth, i couldn't had got it elsewhere.

Really appreciate the knowledge you are sharing on DigitalFaq's
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