I've been dabbling in web hosting. graphics, etc for quite a while but I'm use to bigger sites (music acts, large companies etc). I'm looking to start a smallish blog with my fiancee. While I think it won't be anything huge where we would take up 20-30 GB of traffic I want to make sure I don't sell ourselves short or pay for a huge package only to find out we aren't using 97% of it.
Basically in a nut shell the blog will be about cooking and saving money. I'm 99% percent sold on wordpress theme unless some act of god proves to me that it isn't good to use
So I'm looking for a good host that just has crazy good uptime and can handle something simple as a blog. I plan on buying a domain through
namecheap.com. I noticed they have web hosting but I'm a little leery as they offer those famous words of "unlimited" which is never true. Does anyone have any suggestions?