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07-17-2015, 10:20 PM
ChareltonHest ChareltonHest is offline
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Hi everyone. I was going to post this as a response to a previous Thread I found with good info on it, but the message above the Submit button seemed to frown upon it.

Backstory: My computer of 13ys blew heavy sparks out the back of it and I need to search through the 3 hdds that were in it for vacation photos. Then I need to burn a DVD with the DVD drive that was also in the computer. :S

Products like this..

1. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16812232002
2. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applicati...FQ6Sfgodz_IIbg

..come to mind. It would seem to be a good piece of emergency equipment to have around should you ever come across a HDD/disk-drive you must use. But some of those reviews worry me, particularly the first link. People frying their drives and/or having a chi-crap power supply that comes with them.

Any good such products around? I have -I think it's an Antec- external USB HDD enclosure but it's for SATA and my drives are IDE. Plus I can't plug a disk-drive to it either. :S

Thank you.

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07-18-2015, 05:01 PM
NJRoadfan NJRoadfan is offline
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The Vantec is a generic adapter that many companies re-brand. You can likely find it a few dollars cheaper if you shop around. I have the same adapter sold under the "Cables To Go" brand and its worked fine the 4 years I've had it. Unlike the Vantec, its power supply has both SATA And Molex style plugs built into it so no adapters to carry around and lose. The only incompatibility I had with it is with really old sub-1GB IDE hard drives.
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adapter, ide, sata, usb

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