I hope some of you can help me out. I have a 13 year old son who enjoy his camera phone as you can shoot 30 second of video. He then downloads it to his computer and shoots another. He has software that helps him put it together but I haven't a clue of how he does it. He's brilliant in my eyes
For Christmas I wanted to buy him a camcorder, but with my health issues I was unable to talk with anyone about what type of camera we should buy. I don't like to speak with sales person as they are just looking to make the great sell. Add that to my ignorance, I would probably spend way to much and not buy the correct camera for his needs and skill level.
So, this is a beginner who is 13, he's responsible but has his moments. Male teenage puberty is not fun for Mommy...or is it Mom now?
Here is a link to Microcent. Being a programmer this is my Church, my Temple and where I learn divine gifts to pass on to others. Are any of these a good choice?
Price, well, I don't know. What buys a decent camera for a 13 year old? I guess (and you guys can tell me different) around 100-150 dollars. I don't want to spend a great deal of money and have him say "I don't like this". On the other hand I want a quality so it's easy to learn and use. Nothing too difficult, as he will be coming to me for instructions so it has to be user friendly.
If you havea anymore questions, please let me know. I am sorry in advanced if I did not ask the right questions or provide enough information.