Been having a bit of problem recently with frame inserts. The last few captures I've done with video8/hi8 and VHS-C tapes have been including some inserted frames.
Some 50 minute captures with 3 to 5 insert frames there, and even a 1 hour and 40 minutes capture with 10 insert frames here. Most of the tapes I've captured had around 0-3 inserts in recent times, though up until a week ago or so, pretty much all of my captures have had 0 drops and 0 inserts.
When capturing with preview mode at 720x480, the cpu usage hovers around 25 to 40%, never going pass 50%
If it'll help, my setup is the following
JVC S-VHS VCR/Sony Hi8 Camcorder - Cypress CDM 640 - Pinnacle 510 USB -
Virtualdub 1.9
And here are my capture settings
Virtualdub Timing Settings - Pinnacle 510.PNG
The laptop I use to capture is a Dell Latitude e6430 running Windows XP. Granted one that has an Intel Core i5-3210M, 4 GB of Ram, a 240GB Intel SSD and a Nvidia NVS 5200M GPU.
I will say that I haven't been having this many frame inserts across this many tapes before, and I haven't changed a thing relating to both my capture setup, and how my XP laptop is setup.