I have been transferring my home video Hi8 analog tapes using a Sony TRV-350 (TBC) over Firewire using scenalyzer. Most have transferred fine but a number have this horrible barcode distortion of the picture at the bottom part of the screen. I guess cropping is one way to get rid of this but any valuable video info will go too. The tape looks physically fine to my eye and changing the spools into a new cassette housing has made no difference. The tapes that captured fine have a tiny amount of pixel crawl at the bottom which I assume is the head switching interference but you will see in this clip that this is far worse. Is this a tracking issue?
On a side note what is the best way to get rid of the noise in the audio on the background -eg. on an audio tape I would analyze the noise and subtract it from the track. Can I do that on video without stripping the audio and remuxing. Which software or plugin please?
I have searched for solutions on the forum and the net but this appears not to have been covered before.
How do I correct these please?

Many thanks and appreciate the help!