Originally Posted by tomswift
Have you tried iTunes or Windows Media Player?
I do not have iTunes since I do not own any Apple product. Never bothered to install it, thinking it might ask for Apple ID, Password, an Apple device to be connected...etc. Windows Media Player would only convert to MP3 when it is in 'Rip' mode from a CD, not from hard drive.
Originally Posted by lordsmurf
Site Staff has a mix of projects, systems overhauls (computers were 4-5 years old), and vacations right now. It's temporary.
Audacity can do this. But it's not batched.
Tried Audacity, it is able to accept multiple WAV files (File --> Open Multiple or something like that) as input, and then export as MP3 with LAME add-in. Tested it successfully for 2 files in a batch, worked fine. But when I loaded about 100 WAV files, it is taking forever to generate the waveforms for all of them and finally system hangs. [/quote]
Besweet still works, for batching.
Can Besweet do WAV to MP3 conversion in batch?