Do you have a lot of hard drive space available? I mean like 1TB+ not just a few hundred GB's of space.
Can you describe the noise you see, in what words possible (tech terms no required)? I'm honestly not seeing anything wrong in the video. It appears to be standard DV quality video, shot at night. The resolution/clarity is pretty much the max available for that format, at 720x480. The image actually looks pretty decent.
The only thing I can see in need of possible fixing is the low-light sensor noise. In the case of video, chroma noise. Premiere has nothing to help with this that I'm aware of. Even
VirtualDub is weak in this area. I ran your video clip through the very-good but very-slow NeatVideo (as
VirtualDub plugin), and was able to remove the chroma noise with some custom settings.
See images:
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These are 200% enlargements from a portion of the video. Notice the red/blue noise in the video. This is low-light sensor noise. In still cameras, this is caused at a high ISO.
And after some custom settings in NeatVideo:
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The presets had a bad habit of reducing the clarity, making the image softer. I also wanted to remove more chroma noise than default choices showed.
These were the settings:
I want to be sure you're not confusing interlacing lines with noise. Are you familiar with interlacing?
Hope that helps.