@Tyler, you're half right.
Audacity is often Step 1. But it has lots of side effects.
(So does Goldwave, but it's worse than Audacity. However, GW filters can be more powerful than Audaicty and
Sound Forge combined.)
Anyway, you use
Sound Forge 9+ to compensate for the side effects of Audacity. It really does take two to do this well. I do it all the time. If Audacity wasn't so basic, it could probably be the only program. But I honestly don't see that happening.
Adobe's filters are a joke, be it Premiere or Soundbooth. That's not Adobe's forte.
@Tafflad, the problem may be that you have the limited "Studio" version. I know it was fine in v9 Studio, but not sure about this one. I'll need to test, and it'll be about 2 weeks before I can do that. Too much work to do here, and I'm helping as best I can. Consulting, mostly. (I have medical issue right now, long story. This isn't the place.)
Audio is my thing.