That's a great price for the ViewSonic IPS. Both the 2365WB and 2365-LED are in use here. The "WB" has a lower candela (lower brightness and contrast) that make it perfect for editing photos in a professional way. For video, it can seem a bit dim unless you're in a darkened room (which the studio here is).
For video, I prefer the "LED" model, as it has a slightly higher candela, about +100 compared to the WB.
However, the WB has a much better viewing angle compared to the LED. Forget about the measurements on the box, too -- they're baloney. It's probably about 150 degrees on the LED, while the WB is definitely closer to 170-175. Not that this matters much if you're sitting in front of it, solely for working. But it's something to consider, if you have a preference or need to view from angled distances (which I do, for monitoring captures from across the room at another workstation).
Also: Maybe this topic could be moved to the public forums, too? Any reason to leave it in Premium? (Just checking.)
I'd take a 2365WB for $200 easily, assuming it has no dead pixels.
These monitors are extremely accurate for working with.