Beg to disagree, as I've learned far too much from lordsmurf's expertise over the years, but the ATi 600 USB clips at somewhere around y=16 and y=30. It's been observed in a number of posts here in several posts and elsewhere. Clipping occurs before the signal gets to
VirtualDub, so raising brightness with
VirtualDub's Levels doesn't fix it. Workarounds mention using the AVT8710 or external proc amp to raise black levels to or above y=16, then tweak that in VirtualDub during capture. The Hauppauge 620 USB2 and Pinnacle ATI USB clone do the same thing. It takes only a slight proc amp brightness bump before the signal gets to the cards. Without that pre-adjustment, blacks in a video that's dim to begin with have no chance.
Any way you look at it, VHS always requires fixing levels during capture or observing a capture histogram's changes if using a proc amp -- regardless of the capture card.
I have no experience with the PICe versions mentioned nor have I noticed any posts or tests anywhere using those cards.
Yes indeed, an AIW is still the best way to go. I'm still using my original AIW 7500 and 9600XT in home-built XP PC's and an ancient Dell Pentium-4 retrieved when the owner threw it away for -- yikes!-- a brand new
Vista PC.
No way I'm letting them out of my hands.