Nice try Cloudways spammer, but no soup for you.
Your advice is actually not that good, because most hosts do not allow htaccess override of php value. And then there's also the MySQL limits to consider, or even the limits of something like CloudFlare. It's not as simple as just adding a few lines to htaccess, and fluttering off to enjoy your day. It's not how the website/hosting world works.
Many shared hosts would balk at some of those overly generous limits, as it'd likely cause resource abuse by the site. There's zero excuse to upload 64mb images, or add videos via the WordPress admin panel (rather than FTP and linking, or even linking videos from the non-streaming site to begin with).
So to put things in context, this sort of advice may require a VPS, as well as granular control over php (including htaccess override ability).
If you're going to spam, at least be a smart spammer.
And this was written for anybody else that reads this. Be careful what you read online. It might be BS spambots.