I recently got my hands on a Sony DCR-TRV900. It seems to record and playback normally.
I am trying to capture video from it to my computer via a firewire card (which works fine for my Nikon Scanner) and Sony/
Magix Vegas video editing software.
However the DCR-TRV900 will not show up in Device Manager. I hear the connect "boinks" and then disconnect "boinks". Vegas does not see it either.
I've Googled the issue and found conflicting info....some say, yes, Windows 10 supports this camera natively, other posts (on a Sony forum) say that, no, the DCR-TRV900 will not work with Windows 10.
Any definitive answer?
Thanks for any help.
-- merged --
Welp, according to a veteran member on the Sony/
Magix Vegas Pro forum, support for MiniDV and HDV video capture HAS been dropped from their newer versions.
After a bit of Googling and fiddling (while the Vegas software was closed), I was able to get "Sony DV Camcorder" to show up in Device Manager and capture some footage from the Sony DCR-TRV900 camcorder using WinDV. I was also successful capturing some HDV footage from my old Sony HDR-HC7 using the HDVSplit utility.
Oh, the good ol' days of video!