12-15-2024, 08:54 AM
Bogiesmokes Bogiesmokes is offline
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Hi all,

I'm trying to confirm some things as I continue post-processing my VHS captures. I'm keeping Master copies of my original captures as I'll be using some captures in different ways, and I plan to upload the batch I'm working on now to Youtube.

I watched this tutorial in order to understand how to download AviSynth+ with plugins using 64-bit Win10. https://youtu.be/C4PyyQoz6eo?feature=shared

Install was successful. I realize that one script does NOT fit all, but I'm just sharing the script I started with, which was 'the most common script' to use according to the video tutorial above:

SetFilterMTMode ("QTGMC", 2)
FFMPEGSource2("title.avi", atrack=1) # *[or -1]
AssumeBFF()                          # *[or TFF]
QTGMC(preset="Slower", EdiThreads=2) # [Edi = Half of Physical Cores]
BilinearResize(720,540)              # [lordsmurf says downsize to 640,480 so I'll that]
Prefetch(6)                          # [Prefetch = # of Logical Cores Minus 2]
While I've fiddled with the above script settings, I'll be trying out other scripts as well today. Having said that, I have a few questions I'd appreciate your help with...

1) Is it correct that I should be using VirtualDub2.0 with AviSynth+? (I use VirtualDub1.9 for capture of course).

2) How should I be exporting from VirtualDub2.0? I've downloaded and opened Hybrid, but haven't used it yet. I'm not a computer whiz so it takes some time for me to understand how to use each program in the VHS transfer process...

Is it incorrect to export from VDub2.0 as x264 8-bit (.mp4) from VDub2.0? From what I've read in threads here, should I actually be exporting as .avi and then use Hybrid to convert to .mp4? I normally use Premiere Pro to edit my video projects, and I'm not sure if that would affect the choice here.

3) Should I be including ConvertToYV12() in my scripts if I used HuffYUV compression for capture?

4) I know everything is on a case-by-case basis, but generally, how helpful are incorporating VDub filters in post?

I really appreciate your time. I've made it this far, I know I can 'cross the finish line' with your help (which has been invaluable...)
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12-16-2024, 07:04 AM
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720x540 is fine, that's a 4:3

Andrew is decent at his Avisynth into, but guides that take over an hour to explain are ridiculous. Who has that kind of time? Even half that, 30 minutes, is insane. Most people will walk away just as confused, info overload, their brain shut down long before it ended. (FYI, not here, but in general, that's the difference between a useful guide, and a "guide" that is simply trying to milk money from the Youtube algorithms, as those require longer runtimes.)

VirtualDub2 x64 is what you should use with Avisynth x64.

VirtualDub2 should only be used for exporting the .avi lossless file, never the compressed x264. It's vastly inferior x264 encoding compared against Hybrid. Both quality and size. (Premiere is the MainConcept SDK, but the SDK is somewhat inferior to full MC or the full Hybrid x264.)

I never do the MT modes, attempts to forced/specify RAM use. It almost never works, and in fact can backfire with glitches.

Changing EdiThreads almost never increases speeds, but it can decrease.

QTGMC slower preset blurs video. Faster or Medium is generally vastly better, on both time and quality.

ConvertoYV12 reduces quality down to 4:2:0 and is no longer needed for QTGMC. YV12 was required for x86/32-bit Avisynth, but not the x64/64-bit.

Some stuff is indeed case-by-case, but not often any of the settings/options being discussed here. More like "preferance", and bad preferences at that.

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12-19-2024, 05:23 PM
Bogiesmokes Bogiesmokes is offline
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Thank you, lordsmurf...

I am doing my best to understand how to pull off and understand this editing process, but tbh I'm having a bit of trouble. I am going to start a new post with 3 sample clips from one of my most difficult captures hoping to get your (and others' advice) on what script lines and/or filters may help with that specific video, and I'm sure that will help me understand much much more... I appreciate it more than you know!
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