Media Consulting Services
Part of our core belief here at is empowering people with the skills to create their own high quality digital media products, be it audio, video, photo or publishing/design projects. To fulfill this belief, we provide free articles and guides/tutorials for the do-it-yourself folks out there. Whether you are just beginning, are a serious hobbyist, or a professional expanding his or her skills, we write for all audiences, and are glad to have you here.
We understand you’ll likely be all over the Internet and book stores looking for information on these topics. And that’s an admirable quality, to read and learn. Know that this site is for the educated and intelligent, the common person that just wants some honest help. No malarkey, no ego, no conspiracies, no lies, no ignorance. Just solid information to keep this an enjoyable and production activity.
On the menu to the left are three sections of guides. Each section outlines the basic components that may be needed to create your DVD, photo album or website project. Clicking on the section name takes you to a listing for all guides in that section. Only the most popular guides are on the menu you currently see on the left side of the screen. Always be sure to read the introduction articles.
Did You Get the Help You Needed?
If these guides help you in any way, all we ask in return is a donation for the upkeep of the servers and domains. This part of the site will not only stay online, but will grow to keep up with the technology, for as long as funding is available.
Do You Need Professional Services?
If at any time you are unable to perform a digital media task to your liking, be it a video restoration project or a web site, please contact us for our services. We have the experience and equipment necessary for tackling most situations, as it concerns traditional homemade sources.
Still want to do it yourself, but need more help? We have a support forum! Unlike many topical forums found online, the Support Forum is free of liars, conspiracists, charlatans, egotists, and general run-of-the-mill morons so commonly found elsewhere. In addition to simply providing accurate information, one of the goals of this site is to help people learn how to filter out the misinformation spewed by those undesirables.
Enjoy the guides! Good luck on your video project!